
Our History
Leupold Painting Company was founded in 1945 by Albert Leupold in his residence located in Lincoln, Nebraska. This was soon after the war and there was a great demand for trades of all types, including painting. Albert’s only experience as a painter was gained working for a painter in the 20’s while attending high school.
In the late 40’s and early 50’s, Albert began to hire staff and started painting houses and commercial buildings. Beginning in the early 60’s there was a demand for the re-painting of double hung windows and caulking on Lincoln’s downtown high-rise buildings. During the 60’s, Leupold painted, at one time or another, all windows on the high-rise office buildings downtown. These included Miller & Paine, Federal Security Building, Sharp Building, McGees, First National Bank, Continental Bank, and a number of dormitories and high-rise buildings for University of Nebraska, etc. Eventually these double-hung windows were replaced by insulated windows and that ended the demand for that type of work.
In the 70’s our firm had grown to approximately 15 painters and we started to work on new commercial facilities. Among these new buildings was the First National Bank, Science Building for the University of Nebraska and other new buildings for the University of Nebraska and downtown area.
During the 70’s we expanded our operations to included high-pressure water cleaning of brick and stone buildings. The largest job of this type was the State Capitol. We were hired by the legislature and completed the project ahead of schedule.
In the early 80’s, our company branched out into the asbestos abatement industry. Since then, it was expanded into a sub-division and is a separate corporation of the Leupold companies. Among the jobs performed by the asbestos company were many buildings for the University of Nebraska, the Lincoln Schools, Omaha Schools and the Veterans Administration Hospital in Omaha. These projects range in price from $5,000 to $2.5 million, which was the cost of the VA Med Center work in Omaha, Nebraska.
Painting projects in the 70’s and 80’s included the Lied Center for Performing Arts in downtown Lincoln, St. Benedictine Retreat in Schuler and various new schools and office buildings.
The focus of our painting work today is concentrated on commercial and industrial maintenance work and new construction. Some of our most recent projects include work at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Bryan Medical Center, University of Nebraska, the State Capitol, as well as many other local businesses and schools in and around Lincoln, Nebraska.